Sunday, June 30, 2013

A work of fiction!

“Love, the poet said, is woman's whole existence.” 
― Virginia WoolfOrlando

This is another water color work, made a month back. It took two days to get completed. Hope u all will like it.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Blowing my own trumpet

Here I am.

Well, I have been called a lot of names, but somehow the name "Pari" has an endearing note to it. So I stick to it.

Electronic Engineer by education, Business Analyst by profession, and an artist from heart; I'm just another confused citizen of the 21st century world, who, in the process of keeping one foot in front of the other, stumbled and fell into the mindless money churning machine! I'm one of those whose only claim to glory is through daydreams and endless musings. So yes, I'm one of those guys, whom you meet and hang out with, someone you pass on the street or at the bus stop, someone you see and forget every day.

And as luck would have it, I met a reflection of mine (I guess there is no shortage of confused guys). We thought, why don't we share the dusty thoughts in our head with the fellow netizens. Who knows, we might meet like minded people in the process.

Artist's Patio is the platform we built, to bring together all who want a release from the black and white life into the realm of rainbows and butterflies, even if momentarily.

We welcome you to our humble abode!

Who am I?

They say 'With great power comes great responsibility'...But I have got only responsibilities. No power. Both at home and office. Entire week, I work my a** off to please my clients. My mom scolds me every day 'Tor dara kichhu hobe na, tui ekta gadha ( you are useless, you are an ass(donkey))' and my dad just echoes the same 'Kichhudin por bou er lathi khabi ( After your marriage, you are bound get kicked  by your beloved wife)'...I never reply. Just the way enormous pressure turns a piece of carbon into invaluable diamond, I am waiting for my turn to be a 'KICK-ASS' someday... :(

Eventually I met another super hero who wants to try his power away from the world of coding and weekly groceries. So here we are planning to get all the mutants to unite, in order to combat against the monotony and perfunctory of every day's tidbits.

So who am I?
I am Jit.
An Electronic Engineer by profession and currently working in a software company.
I am the co-founder and an integral part of artistpatio. I design, paint, sketch, sing, compose songs and sometime write. Come, let us meet, chat and have fun together...because


ReUnion - Cover #1

Coming in weekly episodes, starting July 12th

A story about two friends, a college reunion party, and a secret that could change their lives forever.

Spin a Yard

Who doesn't like a good story?

There are so much we have to say, so many nascent thoughts evanesce within our minds, like passing clouds.

So we thought of capturing all those fluttering colours and images, and bringing them forward, in the shape of stories, experiences, and a parallel life.

Welcome to the journey into a land where reality is indistinguishable from fantasy!

Smirk #1 - 29 June 2013

The laughing stock

They say, laughter is the best medicine.

If that is true, welcome to the pharmacy! :)

This page will host weekly doses of comic strips of the various incidents that have happened to us, or the people around us. The names and demographic details will be altered to save the faces of the concerned parties. As to the rest of the story, the will be presented to the moronic detail to which we have experienced them!

It's time. Laugh out loud! :)

Fragrance of Innocence!!

This is a oil and pastel combo...'Fragrance of Innocence'...We made this painting a month back. This is a snap. This is out for sale as well....A humble thanks to our friend Tuhinangshu Mukherjee for his great artistic perception in capturing the sheer delight through his lenses. We tried our best to justify the essence of the original photo...

First Bengali self composed 'Janlar Pashe' ...posted :)

Hi There! This is one of the songs we composed few months back on the occasion of Valentines day. Posting it just for testing purpose. Hope you all will like. It's in Bengali. So we apologize to our non bengali friends...But we hope u will enjoy the tune atleast. ;) Keep listening.

Please do let us know ur suggestions...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

"Where we leave the keyboard and take up the painting brush instead..."

Hello, This is Jit. As we had already mentioned in the introduction, the Sketchy page will contain the storyboards of our upcoming graphic novels, some of my scribbles, digital paintings and serious art works.

I am a novice artist with intermediate skills. But I am surely a good learner. I strongly believe there are ample scopes of improvements by your valuable comments, suggestions and positive criticisms. So please please do comment and let me know where I should improve. Enjoy!! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Want some coffee?


Help yourself to some coffee and cookies, and make yourself at home. This is our humble patio, where we hang out after a long and stressful day at work, when nothing feels better than kicking your shoes off and reclining on the easy-chair. Here is where we let go, where we bring out from the innermost recesses of our minds, thoughts; elaborately colourful, musical and dreamy. We're pleased to have you here. The more the merrier, ain't it?

Would you like to have a tour of our place? It's nothing great. Just a small, six-compartment space of the web.

First, we have the "Patio". Here's where we chill out, discuss matters important and otherwise.
Then comes the "Tell Tale". There are so many incidents that pass our lives and minds like clouds, where reality and imagination are intricately interwoven into a mystique fabric. Here's where we tell you about them.
"Sketchy" is where we leave the keyboard and take up the painting brush instead, and animate the otherwise bland page that is just not interesting enough.
Don't miss "Harmonise". It's said that emotions are best described to music.
Finally, right at the corner, we have "Pari's Own" and "Jit's Own", where we pour our individual musings out, forming collages that might give you a sneak peek into the minds of the two creators of this blog.

Enough said. Grab a seat by the window, and relax. Give free rein to your thoughts, imaginations and memories. Let's forget the pressures of the mundane world, and celebrate the life all around us.

Because, deep down, you are an artist, and here is where you live that identity.